Juxtapoz Magazine
[Art - Graphics - Lowbrow]
Juxtapoz is the art magazine for "lowbrow" art: tattoo art, graffiti art, car culture art, erotic art, outlaw art, fantasy and sci-fi art, comic-influenced art. This issue (june 2009) featuring: Grotesk (cover), Chris Johanson, Coro, MQ, Skinner, Martha Cooper, Henry Chalfant, Steve Olson, Carrion, Kirsty Whiten, Ricky Allman, Raul Allen, TV Santosh, Vladimir Kato, Adam Wallacavage, Charlie Isoe, Mudwig, David Foox, Mike Shine, Indie184, Ian Johnson and Clare Rojas.
Juxtapoz Magazine (2009) 168 p. 21 x 27 cm - In English