Patrick Potter
[Mods - SubCultures - LifeStyle]
Ce recueil de photographies originales des années 60 célèbre la culture Mods. Les nombreux textes qui accompagnent ces fascinantes photos présentent l'essence de l’attitude et de la philosophie Mod. Cette sous-culture très influente née en Grande Bretagne, continue à inspirer des gens du monde entier. Here come the Mods !
" They wanted something no teenager had ever thought possible before. They wanted to be famous, on their own terms and in their own style. This urge coincided with cash in the back pocket courtesy of the post war boom and relatively cheap acces to tailoring. Add to this the influx of American soul music and a pocket full of purple hearts. Throw in a little Carnaby Street and a soupçon of French new wave cinema with just a twist of italian style. Mix it up with London gangster and Jamaican rudeboy in a Soho basement club. Then bake it in the oven of a new, hip consumerism for two years and put it all on national television with a Ready, Steady, Go. The Mods invented youth culture. Alight, there were youth cultures before. The Teds, the Bright Young Things and all kinds of bizarre tribes prior to them. However, the Mods invented what we now call British youth culture."
Carpet Bombing Culture (2018) 192 p. 17 x 22 cm - Hardcover - En Anglais