Al Burian
[Fanzine - Punk]
This paperback book compiles the first nine issues of Al Burian's (Milemarker, Hellbender, HeartattaCK, and Punk Planet columnist) zine of the same name. Beginning in the mid-nineties, Burian distributed his work through the tight-knit network of the DIY punk music scene. Burn Collector caught on because of its unusual content—the writing blueprinted a post-punk persona that was smart, strange, political but not correct, attached to sub-culture, but striving for a connection to the world at large, and to the greater themes of human existence. Timeless stories and reflections on suburban boredom, cross-country travel, living without luxury, existential dread, and Black Sabbath, among other salient topics. First publishing.
StickFigure (2000) 290 p. 14 x 22 cm - En Anglais