[Punk Rock]
Classic punkrocknroll fanzine from Los Angeles. In this issue (December 2008): Sass Dragons: Interview by Megan Pants. Dudes who wake up next to dudes. They sound like if The Ergs! were more into the Dwarves and had less shame. In conclusion, it’s really awesome drumstick up the butt rock. Full Of Fancy: Interview by Joe Evans III. Apparently, you end up writing really catchy pop punk fused with ‘90s alternative/grunge when all you do is sit around watching Indiana Jones movies. Rager: Interview by Stevie Greco. Richmond punk/hardcore by way of Chicago. Ninja Gun: Interview by Matt Walker. These ain’t just your average farmers; they also play some great indie/punk/country, in addition to killing pigs. Hex Dispensers: Interview by Ben Snakepit. The latest in evil garage punk rock’n’roll bands out of Austin. More evil than a Zagnut (whatever the fuck that is).
The Vinyl Record Bubble?: Article by Joseph Steinhardt. Are records still cool? Our sources say, “Fuck you, you’re even asking?” Liz O finds a pretty cool bar. Jim Ruland likes some pretty big boats. Maddy Tight Pants is scared of chakra. Amy Adoyzie is really particular about cats. Ben Snakepit is apparently a better musician than he thought. Rev. Nørb is no fan of southern rock. Mitch Clem draws Something Nice. The Rhythm Chicken goes back home. And gets drunk. Designated Dale is still a fuckin’ great driver. Lauren Trout doesn’t always have power. Nardwuar gives Jay-Z a nice present. Kiyoshi Nakazawa has opinions on things. Sean Carswell learned a thing (or five) on tour. Art Fuentes loves his kids. And a shit ton of reviews to last your winter hibernation.
Razorcake (2008) 114 p. 21 x 27 cm - En Anglais